Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Items Often Overlooked in Divorce

 When it comes to a divorce, it is not solely up to a judge to make all the decisions. A crucial part of any divorce is working with an attorney to help develop an agreement between you and your spouse. This helps you keep some amount of control of the result.

Even still, you should remain vigilant about some critical issues that are commonly overlooked when couples are in the negotiating phase of an agreement. Avoiding these mistakes can save you money and prevent unnecessary stress. A skilled divorce lawyer will know to address these issues, but the better prepared you are before beginning any legal process will only serve your emotional and financial interests in the future.

Overlooked Assets

Sometimes, one spouse may legitimately forget about assets that are not immediately obvious to them and fail to disclose these assets in the divorce process. Old retirement accounts, frequent flyer miles, experimental investments such as purchases of cryptocurrency, as well as intellectual property can easily be overlooked and left out of the final agreement dividing these potentially valuable assets. But it may be that a party-spouse takes deliberate steps to hide, omit or divert attention and access to such assets. Discovery – the formal legal exercise of obtaining records about assets and liabilities, among other things, from the other party – is often necessary so that a thorough investigation of your property can be conducted. Remember to provide your attorney with any information relating to safety deposit boxes, vacation properties/timeshares, credit card rewards points, and any intellectual or creative property you may have.


Assets (“positives”) are not the only thing being divided in a divorce. Debts (“negatives”) must be accounted for as well. People commonly overlook assets, but it is even easier to overlook outstanding debts because people do not enjoy thinking about them or even admitting they have debt. If you are contemplating a divorce, you should pull a current copy of your credit report as well as any statements reflecting debts to which you have access so that your attorney has a clear picture of the debts associated with your name and strategize a plan on how to allocate these debts before the divorce is finalized.  


No one is a fan of the I.R.S. and they are a common enemy for both spouses during a divorce. The parties should each get ahead of this issue by consulting with an accountant or financial planner (or both) of that party’s individual choice to determine the best way to minimize their tax liability, both pre- and post-divorce. It is also important to consider the after-tax value of investments when dividing them. Finally, don’t forget to address the allocation of tax refunds (or liabilities), child tax credits/dependency exemptions, as well as carry-forward losses if such tax assets are applicable to your marital estate and case.


Inflation can also play a factor in the division of assets in divorce. The value of certain financial assets, offset by certain expenses, should take inflation into account, to the extent this element is quantifiable. For example, one spouse agreeing to cover the cost of college for a child should be aware that said costs are capable of doubling in less than 15 years due to inflation.

There are many considerations and pitfalls you will want to avoid during and after a divorce. Working with an experienced attorney will ensure that commonly overlooked items are addressed so that you may begin your post-divorce life in the best position possible.

Jenkins & Kamin LLP cares about their clients and wants every stage of their divorce to go as smoothly and favorably as possible.

Jenkins & Kamin LLP is one of the most respected family law firms in Texas. The firm is noted for its “team” approach by pairing skilled attorneys, paralegals and other support staff to enhance each client’s experience in difficult life transitions.

In addition to the “team” approach, Jenkins & Kamin, LLP strives to personalize case strategies for each individual client, including identification of every particular legal issue and effective explanation of the law with respect to those issues.  The firm endeavors to achieve a resolution that is appropriate for each client, while aggressively advocating on their behalf when necessary. Having a dedicated and experienced team working with you in any family law matter is of utmost importance to achieve the best result possible.

Jenkins & Kamin LLP represents clients in the following aspects of family law practice: Marital Property Agreements, Divorce, Complex Property Issues, Child Custody & Visitation, Child Support, Parentage, Modifications, Family Law Appeals and Dispute Resolution Alternatives. To learn more about the firm, visit or contact one of our offices in the greater Houston area

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